Bird Surveys in Wales

During the 2018 breeding season our bird surveyors completed surveys and assessment/reporting in relation to seven wind farm sites in Wales, both pre and post-construction, for a number of clients. These surveys included species specific surveys for Black Grouse, Nightjar, Curlew, Short-eared Owl and generic breeding raptor surveys, in addition to Vantage Point Surveys and Breeding Bird Walkovers.

The team found territories of a variety of rare breeding birds including Hen Harrier, Merlin, Goshawk, Nightjar and were very fortunate to find an active Black Grouse nest. All Schedule 1 territories were monitored under licence issued by NRW.

Our team are geographically well placed to cover all of Wales, and highly skilled. If you require support on a renewables project (or any other) in Wales, please contact Martyn Owen (


Curlew Survey and Nest Monitoring - Shropshire


Bird Surveys - Caithness