Bat Low Impact Class Licence

BiOME Consulting Director Richard Moores is a Registered Consultant (RC) on the Natural England Bat Low Impact Class Licence (BLICL) scheme. Any site that has been found, through bat surveys, to host only small numbers of common bat species (Brown Long-eared Bat, Whiskered Bat, Brandt's Bat, Common and Soprano Pipistrelle, Daubenton's Bat and Natterer's Bat) can be registered under the Registered Consultant's Low Impact Licence in no more than 10 working days (as opposed to obtaining a full European Protected species mitigation licence which takes up to 30 working days). Natural England state that registering a site on the Low Impact Licence should be done at least 15 working days before the start of licensable activities. This scheme has the potential to provide a more streamlined and efficient approach to licensing for developers. 

Contact Richard Moores for further advice: 


Bird Surveys - Caithness


Shropshire Bat Surveys